Where ever you go, there you are.
Live out there, with full intensity.
Know what 'alive' means, but especially feel what life tries to tell you.
Be open, honest and positive, to all around you, but especially to yourself.
Running Loose in Paris
It’s almost absurd how much Zeph and I did in the month of January. We skied down a hill of visits, excursions, diners, agencies, family, catacombs and white snow.
First of all we had my brother, Luc and his girlfriend, Nina visiting Paris for several days, with as most exciting moment that he asked her to marry him. They were together in a restaurant and it was too small to go on his knees, hahaha.When he told me the news the next day I was immensely ecstatic and surprised, not because I had any doubt about the fact that they would stay together for many years, but more because I never think about marriage, especially not close to home. I’m SO happy for them. It’s gonna be in the spring of 2009, so this date made it also direct for me that it will be the time I have my first visit back in Holland. Until then I will spend my time in Central and South America.
Secondly I discovered skiing. Holy Shit, do I ever like this sport!
With the TGV (the fastest train in the world with 300/km/h) we went to Geneva where one of Zephs very good friends lives with his wife, Sophie and their little baby daughter. That same day the five of us drove to Mijoux, only an hour north of Geneva but back in France. Zeph has skied here for 27 years with his family and knows the place by heart. They always stay in a sort of center where you sleep in big rooms with eight bunk-beds and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with many other families on long tables. It was very quiet at the moment, so the atmosphere was very different. Here, as well, we could rent our ski, snowboard, and Lang-lauf-ski and sledding equipment; a very easy and cheap deal.
When we drove up, there was not much snow, it looked dirty and sad, but when we opened the curtains the next morning we were greeted by one meter of fresh, white, fluffy water, yeaahaaaaaa!!
For two days we skied the many different slopes, first in the fog, then in the blasting wind and later in the pure blue sky, we were soooo lucky. And for the first time I created some confidence on those long things. I had only skied twice before, once nine years ago with Thijs, just one day in Germany and once in Reberty with Siebe and Fre. But I had never really gotten the knack of stopping and turning. Now I felt the right balance needed and the fright for falling became unimportant. I was given compliments by many for my quick progress, very flattening. And so, I know, we’re gonna do this more often.
Only two days of skiing and one lang-lauf trip were possible before we had to drive back to Geneva. Luckily we had planned to visit one more friend of Zephs in Chamonix, a small, active but touristy ski-town on the foot of the Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe. Jean-Charles took us cross-country-skiing; with seal skins under your skis you can hike up the hill and then have a real rewarding feeling when you really earned the flight down. I loved it!
A few nights were spend in the Catacombes of Paris and Bougival, just and hour out of Paris. Those hallways have been created because of mining activities. The layer of earth at about 18 to 30m deep under Paris is made form limestone and was used to build paris’ houses in the 18th century. When the mines were abandoned nobody used them until someone came with the idea to use them as graves because all Paris’ cemeteries were full. That’s why you can find more then 6 million skeletons here. Hence the name Catacombes = place with bones. In the World War the halls were used by the Germans and bunkers were attached.It’s a feast to wonder around in this labyrinth of dirt, water, mud, cables, pipes, tunnels leading to the streets above, little and big rooms and uneven ceilings and floors. It’s very forbidden to be here, you can get seriously lost if you can’t read a map, so it’s extra exciting.
In this month we went three times, once to Paris where we walked a lot and saw many historical souvenirs and twice to Bougival where the tunnels are very different. The halls are way wider, there are more rooms and the walls are not well maintained because there is only a forest above, no need for solid support. It’s less complicated too although the entrance is waaaaaay smaller.
First we went one night alone, and on one of the last nights in Paris we organized a fantastic Fondue-Party here. We got 12 people to come along, 12 people who were not affright to get dirty or be guided.
We carried lots of wine, cheese, bread, fruit, lights and candles and made the best party I’ve ever done in my life. The ambience and activity was superb.
We made a real fondue with good cheeses and wine, everybody dipping and dreading.
The candles were sweet and the excursion to an old Citroen Traxis and small tunnels were exciting.
One week I hitch-hiked back to Holland to spend two days with my friend Truus, five days with my parents and one night with my brother and his fiancé.
The hitch-hiking went well, the nights spend in Dutch bars and disco’s were weird and I felt out of place, the girl conversations with my friend were needed, the time with my parents was super relaxed and comfortable and the night with my brother was important cause now I finally understand and know where he spend most of his time: his work at Zylom, a company that creates computer games.
Back in time to party our goodbye with friends in Paris; another night with lots of wine, about 30 people who enjoyed the presentation about where we were going for the next years and Crepes. We had a real machine and made all variations possible the whole night long.
During all those activities we worked hard to sell the flat. Zeph had visit after visit, call after call from agencies and people. It never stopped and interrupted everything. But probably he did it, the sale is not signed yet, but our good fate and guts tells us the deal is done. We’ll see.
There were quit a few other things that occupied our time, diner with friends who had just gotten back from Africa, a new born baby of a good friend three days before departure, emptying Zephs room (cause the house will be sold and his stuff needs to be gone),
a huge 30 people diner at the house for zephs mum who became 60,
my first Christmas present: two tickets to the cirques and my second one: a new hair-cut and of course getting everything bought, organized and ready for our long departure.
The Fourth of February we woke up after only three hours of sleep, it was time to move our asses to warmer places.
Deile, Zephs brother, came along for a three week holiday, Guillaume, Zephs best friend, came with us for at least three months to see if he likes Costa Rica, if he could work and live here and then it was Zeph and I, him to start a new project with a friend: building bamboo structures and maybe his parents house, and me to live my life, to be with him and to make another backpack trip to South America in the near future.
Hasta Luego me Amigos, Pura Vida!
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