The Road to an Ending
My best friends, I have to tell you that things have changed from past expectation about the future.
Where I, and others around me, thought that I would build a life in Costa Rica for at least a little while, life has given me the kick to tell me that this was not the best plan.
I had planned to go to South America very soon anyway, but with waiting too long to go we came to conclusions faster then when things would have gone different, and so now I'm free to go for how ever long I desire instead of the planned three months. I for sure will head back to Holland in June or July 2008 to enjoy my brothers wedding (and to make some money most probably, hehehe), so that means I have 13 months of traveling through South America in front of me.............. YEAHAAAA!!!!!!!
To finish my incredible months in Peninsula de Osa correctly let me update you with the last parties and trips and I promise that this will be the last of boring beer-drinking activities that we all do and are not too interesting to read about, doesn't matter if it's in a warm country or not.
Where I, and others around me, thought that I would build a life in Costa Rica for at least a little while, life has given me the kick to tell me that this was not the best plan.
I had planned to go to South America very soon anyway, but with waiting too long to go we came to conclusions faster then when things would have gone different, and so now I'm free to go for how ever long I desire instead of the planned three months. I for sure will head back to Holland in June or July 2008 to enjoy my brothers wedding (and to make some money most probably, hehehe), so that means I have 13 months of traveling through South America in front of me.............. YEAHAAAA!!!!!!!
To finish my incredible months in Peninsula de Osa correctly let me update you with the last parties and trips and I promise that this will be the last of boring beer-drinking activities that we all do and are not too interesting to read about, doesn't matter if it's in a warm country or not.
First to tell you about another trip to Bahia Drake where Zeph and I also went for my birthday.
Guillaume had not seen it yet and we all agreed that it was enchanting and paradisio enough to not be missed before he would go.
The first view of the sea arriving from over the mountains.
All Employees and us were herded on a boat to do some fishing, snorkeling, drinking and nacho eating.
Some of the guys caught some fish with spears.
Then I did a horseback trip in the mountains.
Followed by a thrilling 45 minutes of Zip-lining.
Then I was given this AWESOME opportunity to do many tours here in town. Black Turtle Lodge asked me to go on several tours so I could write a description of the tour for his guests.
The first one I did was climbing this Matapalo Tree and repelling from a waterfal.
The second one was a canoe tour in the Mangrove forrest.
And the last one was a dolphin watching boat trip and a visit to the sanctuary where the monkeys come cuddle with you. This was a definatly topper.
Zeph and Guillaume had left for nine days to take a motorcycle trip to the Caribean coast because it was Guuillaume's last week. When they came back to San Jose I went there too with his luggage and the 30th of April Guillaume took his flight back to Paris. I had a seat in that plane too, so now I have no more return ticket.
Wiehaaa, what a ball of fun. Guillaume, thank you so much for trusting me with the bike and for buying it in the first place. It was SO COOL to drive those mountain roads, eat in any comedore and stop where ever you want to make a picture. I understand why you loved riding it so much. I really really enjoyed it.
Mathu the biker, I drove almost 900km in the last week.
Beautiful mountain back roads.
The first night we ended up in Manual Antonio where we had good talks on the beach. But when we were ready to get going for a bite to eat we discovered that Zephs bag was stolen, his passport, visa card from France, Mastercard from Costa Rica, his driverslicense, a new phone with all numbers, expensive sunglasses and a hundred dollars, all gone.
The night was kind of dumpeld in sour cream, but we still ate a good meal with the last money, deciding we would go home tomorrow. We slept right there on the beach in front of the open restaurant with the millions of misquitos. Zeph stayed awake most of the night, discussing and dealing with some boys who were telling us they knew where the bag was but they needed money to get it. It was shitty.
The next day we stopped all the cards, got a police report and drove a long, dusty, super rainy road home. Just two km out of Jimenez, just ten km away from home Zeph got a flat tire....... It was amazing how he kept smiling and how we both felt like real bikkels. I'll always love this positive outlook in somebody and the not fussing about material things. All was replaceable although a pain in the ass.
ANd then you have to peel them. Just hammer the outside with a hard object, many beer bottles were available and you eat a warm, fresh smokey cashew, the best I've ever had.
Everybody peeling.
Monica had two balloons that went up in the air with a little wick, so cool. The kids loved it.
Then the last party before departure: A huge cashewnut-fest.
It was my most favorite fiesta here because of the people that were there, it was not too big, and it felt like a festival with everybody playing football, frisbee and opening nuts.
So first the nuts in the shell are roasted on a fire (if you peel and eat them like this they are very poisonous, many people are even alergic to the smoke).
It was a good good night.
So, here I am. With some extra money in my pocket for the first two weeks, with a fresh mind, with extreme excitement and with a backpack as home. +small.JPG)
I'm already in Boquete, Panama at the moment. Zeph had to go to San Jose to get a new passport but will join me here in a few days to renew his visa. We'll be here two nights before he will head back to his house in the peninsula and I will really start my travels alone again.
I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel about it all in a few weeks form now. For the first time in my life I've met a partner who is compatable with my travel philosophy. Maybe not as much and long, but definably in the same way and on the same conditions. It has given me hope that there are more like me, and in combination with the example of a very good new friend who has traveled a long time but has settled down because she was fed up with it, it gives me confidence that there is a home along this rocky road for me somewhere. Maybe not somewhere, but at least with someone.
Ok, let's make some more adventures like pigs in paradise!
Wonderful to hear that you are well !! I hope that you are also HAppy . one day I will e-mail .. knuffel van mij
Hoi Mathu,
Je reisverslag to nu toe weer gelezen. Ik heb je op het dek van de zeilboot zien staan in het panamakanaal. Leuk te horen dat het goed gaat met je. We hebben ontzettend leuke dagen gehad bij je ouders met iedereen die er was, tijdens het Pinksterweekend. Nog 10 dagen en dan gaan wij ook weer op stap. Eerst een aantal dagen in de Chartreuse de boel verkennen dit is een landgoed in de buurt van Chamonie net onder het meer van Geneve. Daarna naar de franse zuidkust en dan door naar Blanes.
Hier is alles oke en tot schrijfs.
Tante Gemmy en oom Henny
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