Mathu's Travel Journal

Where ever you go, there you are. Live out there, with full intensity. Know what 'alive' means, but especially feel what life tries to tell you. Be open, honest and positive, to all around you, but especially to yourself.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oct '10 till July '11 in Holland

 Back on Track
It's time, I'm off again.
It's a good time to head out once more for a period of 'just' half a year.
It was not so hard to decide where to go to, I've always wanted to see China. What's up with it's strange behaviours, what's behinde it's stoic facade, what's in it's religion and what does it look like with my own eyes.
Not too far and also sounding cool is Mongolia, so I'll start my trip there, just 30 days, before I take a train to Beijng. Siebe will get to Hong Kong at the end of October, so the last two months we'll travel together, Wiehaaa.

But first, a little update about the most exciting happenings in the last year:
Let's start in the months of September. With a group of friends we rented the boat Siebe normally works on and went sailing, chatting, playing games, sunbathing and enjoying the wind. Here you see us hoist up the mainsail, four man strong.
My crazy mum, all save and sorry.
New years was in Holland for the first time in eight years. Jeroen discovered it was very easy to get to the roof of this empty, 15 stories officecomplex. Twenty to twelve we were high and dry in a world of hazyness. The police did spot us, so we had to get down again, but as soon as they had turned the cornor we sped back up to be just in time for the fireworks. At about 4:20AM a whole squatting team turned up and started an afterparty untill daylight breaked. Not fear, already on the first day of the year we had our biggest coincidence.....or is this just the start....
In April we went skiing again, just like last year we drove and stayed dirt cheap in the South of France but with friends instead of family. For the first time the skiing started to be fun. I'm finally getting the heck of it.
Just quick and on my own, but I had to get to the top of course.
In Holland it already started to be green in April. With Easter we had the whole family together. Always delightfull. Dad drew a big portred of all of us so we could colorpaint ourselves. Above you see the result.
For the family album.
The nicest time in Spring was without a doubt a one week trip Siebe and I took to the Swartz Wald of Germany. I think we ended in 'hunters-hut-land', we saw so many, climed them all and saw deer and elefants.
Ewout borrowed his car to us, so we were free to go and stay as we pleased. Driving through lands of yellow blossoming dendilions, fresh green grass and petit real-German villages. We had time to talk, spread a blanket, stroll along paths and discover what was around the next corner. Siebe is pointing to dark thunderclouds, no sleeping outside tonight.

With Jeroen & Bertina and Micha & Lyske we sneaked into 'Het Land Van Ooit' (The Land of Ever). It has been closed for four years now and to our disappointment there are only a few things left. Like those soldier wading through the swamp.
Micha, Lyske, Bertina, Jeroen, me and Siebe.
And then I went sailing with this very hot and sexy dude..........
Ah no, it's only Siebe. With gorgeous weather but no wind we had another three days together in June. Some folks borrowed us their little sailingboat with a small cabin so we were sailing (well, more floating) towards the sunsets of the Friese Waters.
Again like last year I joint Jules birthdayparty at the sandplain in Soest. A lot of fun again, with instruments from all over the world and an I-phone who searched lyrics so we could all sing to the tunes.
June was busy. First a best friend of Siebe got married with his French girl in a little church in the heart of Paris after which we went to this chateau to eat and party.
But without a doubt my man looked the hottest, ChristAlmighty, what can a suit do?
Secondly I traveled as a guide with Flow, a fantastic company who organizes active trips for people with a slight mental disability. Unlucky me I got put on a Hotel/Beach-trip. The vieuw was great as you can see, but the mentality of the type of  tourists around us sucked in my opinion.
Luckily Mary (left) and I were given the task to set up a program which kept us busy: Jeepsafari's, boat tours along the coast, Parasailing, bananaboat riding, bull fighting, a slide-funpark, a dolfinpark, visiting an old city and some things more.
It was very educational again, I really like working with those people, but I have to admit that I find it hard to stay motivated if there is so much laying-beside-the-pool. Here you see some of us eating icecream.
Nina and my brother Luc got married too on the 30th of June.
A small family thing at the day itselve, with cake and small speaches, a lunch in the garden, little games and inside dining after it started to rain around 5pm. The bride had made delicious tapas. Two days later we celebrated the marriage with a big 100-people bbq-party in the shed beside the house. I think they were very satisfiied with how it went. They have left last week to Thailand and Indonisia for three months as thier honeymoon. 
Just yesterday my new friends here in Holland came to my place to dance bare feet Mathu style. With Jeroen I made a mix with numbers they had told me themselves so there would be no reason to not dance. It got really hot and feelgood, even my dad got up.
Two hours of dancing in the old gym of our house.
So, My sailor is sailing his ship to the islands of Holland and back and I'm off to other countries. I hope that missing him will get a little bit less while being away, being here in the same country it's just very annoying to not be on his side. So closeby but still so far away. Just three more months, then we'll be together for a while to come, traveling, living, working and sleeping 24/7. I wonder when that will starts to bore.......